Master of City Planning + Master of Urban Spatial Analysis

The Master of City Planning/Master of Urban Spatial Analytics dual-degree allows students to complete both degrees with 24 CUs.

The MCP/MUSA dual-degree is STEM-designated.

Note: all 15 CUs required for the MCP degree must be CPLN courses.


City Planning Requirements
CPLN 5000Introduction to City Planning: History, Theory and Practice1
CPLN 5010Quantitative Planning Analysis Methods1
CPLN 5020Urban Economics and Public Finance1
or CPLN 5090 Law of Planning and Urban Development
CPLN 5030Modeling Geographical Objects1
CPLN 6000Studio I2
CPLN 7010Planning Studio2
or CPLN 7020 Planning Studio
or CPLN 7030 Planning Studio
or CPLN 7040 Planning Studio
or CPLN 7050 Planning Studio
or CPLN 7060 Planning Studio
or CPLN 7070 Planning Studio
Select 4 Concentration courses 24
Select 3 CPLN Electives 23
CPLN Summer Internship0
Urban Spatial Analytics Requirements
MUSA 5000Statistical and Data Mining Methods for Urban Data Analysis1
MUSA 5080Public Policy Analytics1
MUSA 8000MUSA Capstone Project1
Select 3 MUSA electives3
Geospatial Cloud Computing & Visualization
Geospatial Data Science in Python
Java Script Programming for Planners and Designers
Deep Learning with Python
Land Use and Environmental Modeling
Modeling Geographic Space
Other Courses
Select 2 Urban Content courses2
Select 1 General Elective1
Total Course Units24

Course may not be used to meet both core and concentration requirements.


If a student's concentration requires 5 concentration courses, they take 2 CU of electives. If they need 4 concentration courses, they take 3 CUs of electives.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.