Real Estate Design & Development, Certificate

The Certificate in Real Estate Design and Development is open only to Master’s degree students already enrolled at the Weitzman School of Design in Architecture, City Planning, Historic Preservation, or Landscape Architecture. Certificate students must complete five course units from the following list of courses; with at least one course each from Architecture, City Planning, and Wharton.


A total of 5 course units are required to complete the Certificate program.
Select 5 of the following: 15
Design and Development
Project Management
Introduction to Property Development
Progressive Development 2
Real Estate Investment: Analysis and Financing 3
Real Estate Law
Real Estate Development 4
Total Course Units5

At least one course must be in each of Architecture, City Planning, and the Wharton School.

Substitutions must be approved in writing by the Director and submitted to the Weitzman School of Design Office of Student Services.


CPLN 5400 or REAL 8210 is a prerequisite for CPLN 6410.


 FNCE 6110 is a prerequisite for REAL 7210.


REAL 7210 is a prerequisite for REAL 8210.

Real Estate Design and Development Certificate for MCP-PPD Students

In addition to the four courses taken to meet the PPD concentration requirements in the Master of City Planning program, students must take 3 additional courses from the above list to also receive the REDD certificate. Courses may not double count for the PPD concentration and the REDD certificate.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.