Systems Engineering, MSE

The MSE Program in Systems Engineering (SE) is best positioned to give students a broad foundation across data science, systems modeling, and optimization and decision-making with applications in societal systems (energy, transportation, heath operations).

The MSE Program in Systems Engineering (SE), grounded in the intersection of electrical and systems engineering, is best positioned to give students the in-depth theoretical foundation and interdisciplinary skills required by the growing complexity of technological systems. Our flexible curriculum allows you to tailor your studies to your personal interests and goals, from signal processing, optimization, simulation, control and cybernetics to complex adaptive systems, stochastic processes and decision sciences.


10 course units are required for the MSE in Systems Engineering.1
Foundation Courses6
Choose at least one course from each area of Data Science, Systems Modeling and System Design and Optimization
Data Science
Applied Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Graph Neural Networks
Estimation and Detection Theory
Hardware/Software Co-Design for Machine Learning
Statistics for Data Science
Data Mining: Learning from Massive Datasets
Principles of Deep Learning
Systems Modeling
Linear Systems Theory
Networking - Theory and Fundamentals
Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Dynamical Systems for Engineering and Biological Applications
Digital Signal Processing
System Design and Optimization
Introduction to Optimization Theory
Feedback Control Design and Analysis
Human Systems Engineering
Modern Convex Optimization
Model Predictive Control
Technical Electives2
Select 2 Technical Electives:
Technical Communication and Academic Wrting for Non-native Speakers of English
Engineering Negotiation
Engineering Entrepreneurship I
Engineering Entrepreneurship II
Foundations of Leadership
Any 5000 or 6000 level course in ENM, ESE, CIS, CIT or MEAM
**ESE 5990 can only be used in this category
Application Area
Choose ESE 5970 or any two graduate level courses from one approved Application Area2
Total Course Units10


  • Students must complete ten (10) course units at the graduate level (5000+)
  • Students must be registered in the 5000-level section in a cross-listed course. Any cross-listed section at the 4000-level or below is ineligible towards the degree.

Application Area Electives:

  • Select 2 course units of approved electives from graduate courses offered at Penn in SEAS, SAS, Medicine,  Law, Wharton MBA, Social Policy, and Education.
  • These must have technical/scientific content and relevance to the student’s program.
  • Approval must be obtained from the ESE department prior to enrollment in the course.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.