Coordinated Submatriculation Programs

The University offers a number of coordinated, interdisciplinary submatriculation programs to undergraduate students. 

For more information about submatriculation, click here.

BA/JD Program in Arts & Sciences and Law

This rigorous program offers an opportunity for highly qualified and motivated students to apply to Penn Law School during what is generally the first semester of a student's junior year (between 16 and 23.99 course units). If accepted, the student will submatriculate into the J.D. program in their senior year. Applicants must be committed to the study of law in its theoretical and practical aspects.

For more information, visit:

BSN/JD Program

Submatriculation allows students in traditional and accelerated BSN programs to formally enroll in the JD program at Penn Law School while still undergraduates. The current climate of healthcare litigation and malpractice suits is well suited for professionals who combine nursing education and experience with legal expertise. A background in both nursing and law gives students a powerful and marketable skillset and prepares them to make an impact on the medical and legal professions. To submatriculate into Penn Law, students should take the LSAT and apply during their junior year. If a student is admitted, they will begin taking courses at the law school during their fourth year, completing both the BSN and JD degrees in six years instead of the usual seven.

For more information, visit

Penn Engineering/Penn Law Program

Penn's Law School offers an opportunity for qualified juniors in Penn Engineering to apply early to the Law School and submatriculate into the JD program beginning their fourth year. The program is designed as a 3-year + 3-year accelerated program for highly qualified Engineering undergraduates either in the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) or Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) degree programs. 

For more information, visit:

Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Molecular Life Sciences

Ambitious and highly motivated students interested in the molecular view of life should consider the Vagelos Scholars Program in Molecular Life Sciences. Students begin as first-year students and major in two sciences or submatriculate for a Master of Science degree in the standard four years. Students in this program plan to pursue scientific research careers. Scholars are invited from the admitted pool of high school seniors at the beginning of April at the discretion of the faculty director and the admissions committee.

For more information, visit:

Wharton Law School Submatriculation Program

During the junior year, qualified Wharton undergraduate students may apply for admission to the Penn Law School and submatriculate into the Juris Doctor (JD) program. In this 3-year + 3-year accelerated program, the student’s fourth year of study is spent entirely at the Law School completing the first-year law curriculum. The remaining undergraduate and/or graduate degree requirements are then completed in the student’s fifth and sixth years of study. 

For more information, visit: