American Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Minor

The ASL/Deaf Studies Program at Penn offers ASL instruction grounded in Deaf cultural experiences and perspectives for the purpose of attaining ASL proficiency for real-world applications in both coursework and future professional endeavors. The course of study for the minor in ASL and Deaf Studies is interdisciplinary, with foundations in language, content, and theory-based courses. Furthermore, as our program has long-standing and steadfast commitment to working in and with local Deaf community organizations for meaningful, mutually beneficial outcomes, we partner with local Deaf community organizations to integrate academic rigor and Deaf cultural values into our coursework. We do so with two organizations primarily, the Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre in Swarthmore, PA and Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. Ultimately, these collaborative relationships manifest in a research-based capstone course, Academically Based Community Service in ASL and Deaf Studies, providing opportunities for merging research with practice in a Deaf community setting.

Minor Requirements
Advanced ASL Content & Theory Courses
ASLD 1030Advanced ASL and Deaf History1.0
or ASLD 1031 Deaf Literature, Performance, Art, and Film
ASLD 1032Deaf Culture1.0
Linguistic Foundational Courses
LING 0001Introduction to Linguistics1
LING 0600Introduction to Sociolinguistics1
Capstone Fieldwork
ASLD 1033ASL/Deaf Studies - ABCS1.0
Cross-Disciplinary Elective
Select 1 course unit of Cross-Disciplinary elective1
Total Course Units6

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.