Biophysics, Minor

Bridging the biological sciences and the physical sciences, Biophysics is concerned with physical and chemical explanations of living processes, especially at the cellular and molecular levels. Detailed molecular descriptions are emerging for genetic elements and for the mechanisms that control their propagation and expression. Biophysical studies include the investigation of protein structure, nucleic acid structure, enzyme mechanisms, the phenomena underlying cellular behavior, excitable phenomena in nerve, muscle and visual cells, and integrative neural phenomena.

Minor Requirements
Cell Biology
BIOL 2010Cell Biology1
PHYS 2280Physical Models of Biological Systems1
or BCHE 2280 Physical Models of Biological Systems
CHEM 1011Introduction to General Chemistry I1
or CHEM 1151 Honors Chemistry I
CHEM 1021Introduction to General Chemistry II1
or CHEM 1161 Honors Chemistry II
CHEM 1101
CHEM 1102
General Chemistry Laboratory I
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
MATH 1400Calculus, Part I1
Select one of the following:1
Calculus, Part II
Calculus, Part II with Probability and Matrices
Honors Calculus
MATH 2400Calculus, Part III1
or MATH 2600 Honors Calculus, Part II
Select one of the following Options:3
Option 1:
Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion
Honors Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion
Principles of Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation
Honors Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation
Option 2:
Principles of Physics I (without laboratory)
Principles of Physics II (without laboratory)
Laboratory Electronics
Total Course Units11

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.