Data Science and Analytics, Minor

Data science is the study of methods for extracting knowledge from data, combining programming, statistical, and communication skills. The Data Science & Analytics minor is intended for students who wish to complement their major field of study with data science skills. Students will learn the foundational data and programming tools, fundamental statistical inference methods, and modern machine learning approaches – with a focus on application in the social and natural sciences. The minor consists of six courses, three of which are foundational and must fall into specific components (data and programming, statistics, applied data science) and the remaining three are electives that must have a strong link to data science. The minor is not exclusive to a single department, but rather recognizes the wide range of data science courses available in SAS and helps students organize their coursework into a focused data science minor.


Introductory Data Science and Programming1
Criminal Justice Data Analytics (Or)
Foundations in Data Science for Communication
Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind
Introduction to Data Science
Computational Data Exploration
Data Science for the Humanities
Foundations of Data Science
Introduction to Computational Physics
Stories From Data: Introduction to Programming for Data Journalism
Math and Statistics1
Statistics for Biologists
Statistics for the Social Sciences I
Statistics for Economists
Introduction to Data-driven Modeling
Biological Data Science I - Fundamentals of Biostatistics
Engineering Probability
Data Analysis for the Natural Sciences I: Fundamentals
Statistical Methods PSCI
Social Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Introductory Business Statistics
Linear Algebra
Applied Data Science1
Biological Data Analysis
Econometric Machine Learning Methods and Models
Applied Data Science
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
Modern Data Mining
Machine Learning for Social Science
Data Science for Public Policy
Data Analytics and Statistical Computing
Applied Machine Learning
Data Analysis for the Natural Sciences II: Machine Learning
Big Data Analytics
TinyML: Tiny Machine Learning for Embedded Systems
Artificial Intelligence Lab: Data, Systems, and Decisions
Applied Data Science - Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Astronomical Techniques
Introduction to Computational Biology & Biological Modeling
Computational Text Analysis for Communication Research
GIS: Mapping Places & Analyzing Spaces
Artificial Intelligence
Database and Information Systems
Big Data, Memory and the Human Brain
Phonetics II: Data Science
Computer Analysis and Modeling of Biological Signals and Systems
Physical Models of Biological Systems
Health of Populations
Political Polling
Text Analytics
GIS Applications in Social Science
Intro to Digital Archaeology
Forensic Analytics
Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions
Sample Survey Design
Climate and Big Data
Talking with AI: Computational and Communication Approaches
Algorithmic Ethics
Ethical Algorithm Design
Total Course Units6

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.