Digital Media Design, Minor

The DMD minor is a programming-intensive exploration into interactive computer graphics. The interested student is encouraged but not required to take Design courses (in the SEAS SSH category, for example) to gain the artistic knowledge and skills that would augment the DMD technology emphasis. Suggested relevant Design courses include DSGN 1020 Art of the web: Interactive Concepts for Art & Design and DSGN 1030 3-D Computer Modeling. The DMD minor also encourages exploration of the connections of computer graphics programming with human cognition and interactive experiences. Students undertake a capstone project to integrate their DMD minor with their major.

SEAS Second Major or Minor Option

Students interested in a second major (College students only) or minor with SEAS are required to meet with the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair from the major/minor department you wish to declare to discuss requirements and obtain approval on the Second Major or Minor form. The approved form must be returned to the SEAS Research and Academic Services Office, 109 Towne Building.

Digital Media Design Minor

CIS 1400Introduction to Cognitive Science1
CIS 1100Introduction to Computer Programming 11
CIS 1200Programming Languages and Techniques I1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 1600Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science1
CIS 4600Interactive Computer Graphics1
or CIS 5600 Interactive Computer Graphics
CIS 3500Software Design/Engineering 21
or CIS 4610 Advanced Rendering
or CIS 5610 Advanced Computer Graphics
or CIS 4620 Computer Animation
or CIS 5620 Computer Animation
EAS 4990Senior Capstone Project1
Total Course Units8

The DMD minor is not open to students pursuing a CSCI, CMPE, DMD, NETS or ASCS major. A student may not minor in both DMD and CSCI.


CIS 1100 Introduction to Computer Programming can only be taken prior to CIS 1200 Programming Languages and Techniques I. If a student takes CIS 1200 Programming Languages and Techniques I without taking CIS 1100 Introduction to Computer Programming, no extra course needs to be substituted - the DMD minor requires only 7 CUs in this case.


Program approval is required for exceptions.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.