East Asian Area Studies, Minor

East Asian Area Studies focuses on East Asia as a region of the world and human experience, and provides an integrated curriculum drawing on the approaches of the social sciences and the humanities. The program requires relevant courses in areas including history, international relations, political science, sociology, legal studies, and East Asian arts and cultures, while maintaining high standards in language study.

With intensive language courses (4 course units) the Minor will require 8 course units.

Minor Requirements
Language Requirement
Select a minimum of 2 course units in one language: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, or Vietnamese2
ALAN 0100 and above
CHIN 0100 and above, except for CHIN 0105, 0205, 0305, 0405, 0705, 0805
JPAN 0100 and above, except for JPAN 0103, 0105
KORN 0100 and above, except for KORN 0103, 0105
VIET 0100 and above
Gateway Course
Select 1 course unit in Introduction to China, Japan or Korea:1
Introduction to East Asia: China
Introduction to East Asia: Japan
Introduction to East Asia: Korea
Select a minimum of 3 course units of Electives in consultation with the Major Adviser:3
Total Course Units6

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.