Engineering Entrepreneurship, Minor

Penn Engineering offers a Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship (EENT), complementing the core engineering disciplines. This Minor is designed for students majoring in engineering and applied science. However, it is open to all University undergraduates subject to available class space.  Non-engineering students should check with their home schools to determine their eligibility to take the EENT Minor. All courses for the EENT Minor must be taken for a grade (no Pass/Fail).

SEAS Second Major or Minor Option

Students interested in a second major (College students only) or minor with SEAS are required to meet with the Undergraduate Curriculum Chair from the major/minor department you wish to declare to discuss requirements and obtain approval on the Second Major or Minor form. The approved form must be returned to the SEAS Research and Academic Services Office, 109 Towne Building.

Engineering Entrepreneurship Minor (EENT)

This minor is designed for students majoring in engineering and applied science. However, it is open to all University undergraduates subject to class availability. Non-engineering students should check with their home school to determine their eligibility to take the EENT minor. All courses must be taken for a grade (no Pass/Fail).

Required Courses
EAS 5450Engineering Entrepreneurship I1
EAS 5460Engineering Entrepreneurship II1
or EAS 5490 Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab
Select four of the following:4
Medical Devices
Medical Device Development
From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace
Rehab Engineering and Design
Applied Medical Innovation I
Applied Medical Innovation II
Drug Discovery and Development
Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science
Introduction to Product and Process Design
Product and Process Design Projects
Engineering Ethics
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers
Engineering Negotiation
Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab
Foundations of Leadership
Penn Global Seminar: Robotics and Rehabilitation
Engineering Economics
Project Management
Human Systems Engineering
Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industries
Health Care Entrepreneurship *
Problem Framing
Design Thinking
Introduction to Intellectual Property
Patent Law
ML: General Business Law
Internet Law, Privacy, and Cybersecurity
Design for Manufacturability
Product Design
Organizational Behavior
Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management
Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation *
Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce *
Entrepreneurial Marketing *
Networked Life
Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care *
Scaling Operations in Technology Ventures: Linking Strategy and Execution
Enabling Technologies
Advanced Topics
Case Study: Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking & Equity-centered Design
Introduction to Drug Development
Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part I
and Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) Seminar, Part II (Must take both courses for one (1) CU)
Total Course Units6

*The below courses are .5 CU's. Students must take two (2) of the below to get 1 CU towards the minor.

  • MGMT 2670 Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation
  • MKTG 2270 Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
  • MKTG 2410 or MKTG 7410 Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • NURS 5530 Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care
  • HCMG 8670 Health Care Entrepreneurship

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.