Environmental Humanities, Minor

The minor in Environmental Humanities allows students to explore how attitudes and perceptions, ethics and social structures, arts, cultures and language respond to and shape our environments. The program places special emphasis on arts-driven inquiry into place, integrating the methods and modes of analysis traditionally associated with the arts and humanities with those of the social and natural sciences. The minor also emphasizes public research, training students to engage with publics outside the university in the processes of environmental knowledge-making. Students will complete both a customizable public engagement requirement and a final capstone project. The minor is open to undergraduates in all disciplines.

Required Courses
The following course lists are not exhaustive; other courses may be substituted but require prior approval from the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Arts & Humanities Approaches to Environmental Inquiry
Select two of the following:2
First Year Seminar: Climate Fiction
August Wilson and Beyond
August Wilson and Beyond
Architecture in the Anthropocene
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Water Worlds: Cultural Responses to Sea Level Rise & Catastrophic Flooding
War and Representation
Water Worlds: Cultural Responses to Sea Level Rise & Catastrophic Flooding
Forest Worlds: Mapping the Arboreal Imaginary in Literature and Film
Forest Worlds: Mapping the Arboreal Imaginary in Literature and Film
Comparative Cultures of Sustainability
Comparative Cultures of Sustainability
Sustainability & Utopianism
Schelling, Goethe, Nature. Thinking Nature with Schelling and Goethe.
Schelling, Goethe, Nature. Thinking Nature with Schelling and Goethe.
Global Environmental History from Paleolithic to the Present
Human-Animal Relationships in Historical Perspective
Environmental Ethics
Philosophy of Biology
Religion and Ecology
Animals and Religion
Spirituality in the Age of Global Warming: Designing a Digital Mapping Project in Scalar
Social Science Approaches to Environmental Inquiry
Select one of the following:1
Water in the Middle East Throughout History
Origin and Culture of Cities
Making the Natural World: An Introduction to Political Ecology
Nature Culture Environmentalism
The Politics of Matter and the Matter of Politics
Historical Ecology
Plants and Society
Thinking with Models: Business Analytics for Energy and Sustainability
Environment and Society
Environmental History
Nature's Nation: Americans and Their Environment
Data Dreams
Animals in Science Medicine Technology
Environments and Health
Environmental History
Natural Science Approaches to Environmental Inquiry
Select one of the following:1
Introduction to Environmental Science
Urban Environments: Speaking About Lead in West Philadelphia
Community Based Environmental Health
Air Pollution: Sources & Effects in Urban Environments
Environmental Case Studies
The anthropocene: Human-dominated Earth
Humans and the Environment
Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior
Ecology: From individuals to ecosystems
Environmental Chemistry
Natural Disturbances and Disasters
Global Climate Change
Glaciers,Ice & Climate
Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics and Implications for Future Climate Change
Soil Science
Touchstone Course
Transdisciplinary Environmental Humanities1
Public Engagement Requirement
If completed using one of the courses below, this credit can double count as one of Requirements I, II, and III, above. This requirement may also be fulfilled with an independent study, credit-bearing summer project or other course with a significant community-based research or service component, but requires prior approval from the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies1
August Wilson and Beyond
August Wilson and Beyond
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Liquid Histories and Floating Archives
Comparative Cultures of Sustainability
Nature Culture Environmentalism
Urban Environments: Speaking About Lead in West Philadelphia
Community Based Environmental Health
Air Pollution: Sources & Effects in Urban Environments
Capstone Course
ANTH 5440Public Environmental Humanities1
or COML 5440 Public Environmental Humanities
or GRMN 5440 Public Environmental Humanities
or URBS 5440 Public Environmental Humanities
Total Course Units6-7

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.