International Development, Minor

The International Development minor is intended for students who wish to complement their primary area of study with an interdisciplinary focus on complex social problems associated with international development. The minor is intended to expand a student’s chosen major by focusing on critical development issues from several different academic perspectives. Approved courses emphasize problems of development in poor countries and poorer regions of wealthier countries. The interdisciplinary nature of the minor allows students to embrace a global perspective on the processes of change and development, critically assess internal and external influences on the development process, and gain a deeper perspective on the interconnectedness of complex problems.

Minor Requirements 1
PSCI Requirement
Select 3 course units of PSCI courses3
Other (or PSCI) Requirement
Select 3 course units of Other or PSCI courses3
Total Course Units6

Minimum 3 course units in PSCI and no more than 3 course units in non-PSCI subjects (see pre-approved list)

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.