Logic, Information, & Computation, BA

Modern mathematical logic began with work by Cantor, Frege, and other mathematicians during the last three decades of the nineteenth century who were concerned with providing a sound basis for the development of mathematical analysis. In the wake of "the crisis in the foundations of mathematics" precipitated by the discovery of various logical paradoxes at the turn of the twentieth century, mathematicians and philosophers such as Hilbert and Russell intensively pursued investigations into the logical foundations of mathematics. Connections between logic and the foundations of mathematics remained an important source for scientific developments in logic through the epochal results of Gödel in 1930 and 1931, which indicated both the scope and limits of the mechanization of mathematical reasoning. The great burst of scientific activity occasioned by Gödel's results led directly to Turing's mathematical characterization of mechanical computation in terms of simple devices, now known as Turing machines. The work of Gödel, Turing, and other logicians during the 1930s laid the scientific foundations for the revolution in computer and information technology that began in the last half of the twentieth century and continues today.

The Logic, Information, and Computation Program offers students the opportunity to engage in a systematic, integrative program of study within the School of Arts and Sciences. Logic remains one of the core disciplines in investigations of information and computation. Indeed, logic is playing a major role in advances in computer security, database technology, networking, and software engineering. Moreover, logic has expanded its role within mathematics beyond foundational studies and now enjoys rich connections with areas as diverse as algebra, analysis, and combinatorics. In light of the current importance of the investigation of computation and information from both a scientific and technological point of view, the Major and Minor in Logic, Information, and Computation will provide students with a strong background to pursue computational aspects of the natural, biological, and social sciences and prepare them for careers in information technology.

The minimum total course units for graduation in this major is 36. Double majors may entail more course units.

For information about the General Education requirements, please visit the College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum page.

College General Education Requirements and Free Electives
Foundational Approaches + Sectors1 + Free Electives19
Major Requirements
Mathematics Requirement
MATH 1400Calculus, Part I1
MATH 1410Calculus, Part II1
MATH 2400Calculus, Part III1
MATH 3700Algebra1
or MATH 5020 Abstract Algebra
MATH 3710Algebra1
or MATH 5030 Abstract Algebra
Computer & Info Science Requirement
CIS 1200Programming Languages and Techniques I1
CIS 1210Programming Languages and Techniques II1
CIS 3200Introduction to Algorithms1
Physics Requirement
PHYS 0150Principles of Physics I: Mechanics and Wave Motion1.5
PHYS 0151Principles of Physics II: Electromagnetism and Radiation1.5
Logic, Info, & Computation Requirement
LGIC 2100/MATH 3400Discrete Mathematics I1
LGIC 3100/PHIL 4721/MATH 5700Logic and Computability 11
LGIC 2200/MATH 3410Discrete Mathematics II1
LGIC 3200/PHIL 4722/MATH 5710Logic and Computability 21
Select 1 course unit of Elective 21
Capstone Seminar
LGIC 4960Topics in Mathematical Logic1.0
Total Course Units36

You may count no more than one course toward both a Major and a Sector requirement. For Exceptions, check the Policy Statement.


Check: http://logic.sas.upenn.edu for for pre-approved courses.


Applicants must have an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.5 in the Major. Senior research project required.


The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.