Neuroscience, BA

Neuroscience (formerly Biological Basis of Behavior) is an interdisciplinary program in which students explore the relationship between behavior (both human and animal) and its organic bases. The Program offers courses in virtually all areas of neuroscience ranging from cellular neurobiology to cognitive neuropsychology and integrates these basic interdisciplinary courses with basic science requirements in biology, chemistry and psychology. Students also engage in supervised research in areas as diverse as molecular neurobiology, chemical neuroanatomy, visual sciences and behavioral ecology.

The minimum total course units for graduation in this major is 36. Double majors may entail more course units.

For information about the General Education requirements, please visit the College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum page.

College General Education Requirements and Free Electives
Foundational Approaches + Sectors1 + Free Electives18
Major Requirements
Core Requirements
Introductory Chemistry:
CHEM 1011Introduction to General Chemistry I1
or CHEM 1012 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1021Introduction to General Chemistry II1
Introductory Biology:
Select one of the following Options:3
Option 1:
Introduction to Biology A
Introduction to Biology B
Option 2:
Introduction to Biology - The Molecular Biology of Life
Introductory Molecular Biology Laboratory
Introductory Organismal Biology Lab
Select 1 CU of a 2000-level BIOL course:
Cell Biology
Human Physiology
Principles of Human Physiology
Molecular Biology and Genetics
Evolutionary Biology
Ecology: From individuals to ecosystems
Introduction to Brain & Behavior:
NRSC 1110Introduction to Brain and Behavior1
Neural Systems and Behavior:
Select one of the following 2000-level NRSC courses:1
Evolution of Behavior: Animal Behavior
Visual Neuroscience
Physiology of Motivated Behavior
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cellular Neuroscience:
Select one of the following 2000-level NRSC courses:1
Chronobiology and Sleep
Developmental Neurobiology
Autonomic Physiology
Drugs, Brain and Mind
NRSC 2110Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology1
Select one of the following:1
Statistics for Biologists
Introductory Business Statistics
Introductory Statistics
Additional NRSC Major Elective Courses
Students may pick any 8 courses from the approved electives for the NRSC major 2,38
Total Course Units36

You may count no more than one course toward both a Major and a Sector requirement. For Exceptions, check the Policy Statement.


See the NRSC web site for approved courses in areas of specialized study. Students are encouraged to take a research course or do sponsored research in their junior or senior year.


NRSC 3999 Independent Research, NRSC 4999 Advanced Independent Research or a 4000-level NRSC course are three of the options.

Honors Option

Applicants are expected to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.

One advanced course (4000 level or above)1
NRSC 3999Independent Research1
NRSC 4999Advanced Independent Research1

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.