Accounting, MBA

The Accounting major helps students acquire the skills to measure and communicate an organization’s economic activities. Accounting is the formal system of collecting, organizing, and reporting the financial data used to make economic decisions. The data shed light on current financial status and liquidity, as well as past profitability and funds-generating capability. Its users include corporate shareholders, lenders, management, employees, research organizations, and taxing and regulatory agencies.

Many different types of economic decisions require accounting data. One major use of accounting data is to inform outsiders (interested people who do not have direct access to corporate records) of the firm’s economic status and progress. By contrast, the firm’s management requires data that will aid in controlling operations and evaluating performance. Outside agencies often collect accounting data for tax collection and other social and economic policy purposes.

The accounting major at the Wharton School focuses on the user of accounting data. Most courses in the department stress concepts, procedures and applications with a view to the student understanding how accounting information is generated and its reliability in analysis. Most accounting majors are preparing for careers in which accounting data are used extensively. The department’s flexible curriculum also allows interested students to take the required courses toward certification as a CPA (certified public accountant) or CMA (chartered management accountant). As the specific course requirements for these certificates vary from state to state and usually exceed the minimum requirements for a Wharton MBA major, students who seek professional certification should seek the advice of the Accounting Department adviser as early as possible to plan their programs.


A minimum of 19 course units is required for graduation.

Major electives taken on a pass/fail basis cannot be counted toward the Accounting major.

Accounting Major Requirements
Select 4 course units from the following: *4
Cost Management
Financial Reporting and Business Analysis
Accounting for Mergers, Acquisitions and Complex Financial Structures
Financial Disclosure Analytics
Accounting for Entrepreneurs
Taxes and Business Strategy
Select 5.5 course units of electives5.5
MBA Core Requirements9.5
Total Course Units19

The core accounting courses do not count towards the major, but are prerequisites for the other courses in the department.

MBA Core Requirements

Select one of the following:0.5-1
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Fundamentals of Financial and Managerial Accounting
Finance 1
Corporate Finance
Select one of the following:0.5-1
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance (Half CU)
Select one of the following:0.5-1
Macroeconomics and the Global Economic Environment
Macroeconomics and The Global Economic Environment (Half CU)
Legal Studies
LGST 6110Responsibility in Global Management0.5
or LGST 6120 Responsibility in Business
or LGST 6130 Business, Social Responsibility, and the Environment
BEPP 6110Microeconomics for Managers: Foundations0.5
BEPP 6120Microeconomics for Managers: Advanced Applications0.5
MGMT 6100Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership0.5
MGMT 6110Managing Established Enterprises1
or MGMT 6120 Management of Emerging Enterprises
MKTG 6110Marketing Management0.5
MKTG 6120Dynamic Marketing Strategy0.5
or MKTG 6130 Strategic Marketing Simulation
Select one unit of the following:0.5-1
Quality and Productivity
Business Analytics
Online Business Models and the Information-Based Firm
Operations Strategy
Enabling Technologies
Managerial Decision Making
STAT 6130Regression Analysis for Business 21
or STAT 6210 Accelerated Regression Analysis for Business
Management Communication
Select one of the following options:0.5
Option 1
Management Communication
Advanced Persuasive Speaking
Communication Challenges for Entrepreneurs
Persuasive Writing for Business Leaders
Option 2
Management Communication
Entrepreneurial Communication
Total Course Units9.5

Students cannot enroll in both FNCE 6210 and FNCE 6230.


STAT 6210 is by placement only.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.