Statistics and Data Science, MBA

The Statistics and Data Science major develops the skills and insights required to draw inferences and conclusions from many types of data. A key challenge facing managers is the interpretation of the vast amount of data generated in the world of business today. Modern computing systems now produce large volumes of information whereas previously one could often only rely upon intuition and guesses. Yet this information does not directly answer important business questions. What combination of features is most desirable for consumers? What will sales be next month? How did we do last month? Data analysis and statistics offer a systematic approach that can help provide answers to these questions.

Courses offered by the Statistics and Data Science Department develop the skills and insights required to make effective use of statistical methods. The courses provide the knowledge needed to select and apply techniques and to communicate statistical results. Interpretation in realistic applications offers guiding examples, and theory is used to motivate and compare alternative schemes.

Regardless of topic, all of these courses provide useful skills that augment the substantive managerial abilities of students. Courses also provide exposure to computer software that implements key techniques.



A minimum of 19 course units is required for graduation.

Major electives taken on a pass/fail basis cannot be counted toward the Statistics and Data Science major.

Statistics and Data Science Major Requirements
Select 4 course units from the following:4
Modern Data Mining
Statistical Computing with R
Data Collection and Acquisition: Strategies and Platforms
Forecasting Methods for Management
Predictive Analytics for Business
Text Analytics
Sports and Gaming Analytics
Data Analytics and Statistical Computing
Applied Probability Models in Marketing
Introduction to Python for Data Science
Independent Study
Sample Survey Methods
Modern Regression for the Social, Behavioral and Biological Sciences
Select 5.5 course units of electives5.5
MBA Core Requirements9.5
Total Course Units19

MBA Core Requirements

Select one of the following:0.5-1
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Fundamentals of Financial and Managerial Accounting
Finance 1
Corporate Finance
Select one of the following:0.5-1
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance (Half CU)
Select one of the following:0.5-1
Macroeconomics and the Global Economic Environment
Macroeconomics and The Global Economic Environment (Half CU)
Legal Studies
LGST 6110Responsibility in Global Management0.5
or LGST 6120 Responsibility in Business
or LGST 6130 Business, Social Responsibility, and the Environment
BEPP 6110Microeconomics for Managers: Foundations0.5
BEPP 6120Microeconomics for Managers: Advanced Applications0.5
MGMT 6100Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership0.5
MGMT 6110Managing Established Enterprises1
or MGMT 6120 Management of Emerging Enterprises
MKTG 6110Marketing Management0.5
MKTG 6120Dynamic Marketing Strategy0.5
or MKTG 6130 Strategic Marketing Simulation
Select one unit of the following:0.5-1
Quality and Productivity
Business Analytics
Online Business Models and the Information-Based Firm
Operations Strategy
Enabling Technologies
Managerial Decision Making
STAT 6130Regression Analysis for Business 21
or STAT 6210 Accelerated Regression Analysis for Business
Management Communication
Select one of the following options:0.5
Option 1
Management Communication
Advanced Persuasive Speaking
Communication Challenges for Entrepreneurs
Persuasive Writing for Business Leaders
Option 2
Management Communication
Entrepreneurial Communication
Total Course Units9.5

Students cannot enroll in both FNCE 6210 and FNCE 6230.


STAT 6210 is by placement only.

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.