Nursing and Health Services Management, Minor

The delivery of health care increasingly involves decisions that entail considerations beyond clinical or medical issues. With the rise of managed care in the United States, it is critical for health professionals to understand not only the clinical factors that affect patients but also the business environment in which healthcare institutions function. This program, a partnership between the School of Nursing and The Wharton School, helps students understand both the nature of the economic and managerial constraints that healthcare organizations face, and how to effectively manage these constraints to provide the best possible health care for patients.

The Nursing and Health Services Management Minor requires a total of 8 course units. 

ECON 0100Introduction to Micro Economics1
or BEPP 1000 Introductory Economics for Business Students
Elective Classes from Wharton
Select 2 course units of Elective Classes from Wharton:2
HCMG course with Attribute: NUHE
or MGMT 2910
Elective Classes from Nursing
Select 2 course units of Elective Classes from Nursing (NURS with Attribute: NUHE)2
Additional Nursing & Health Services Management Electives
Select 3 course units of Additional Nursing & Health Services Management Electives (Any course with Attribute: NUHE)3
Total Course Units8

The degree and major requirements displayed are intended as a guide for students entering in the Fall of 2024 and later. Students should consult with their academic program regarding final certifications and requirements for graduation.