Course Attributes A-Z
Course attributes are approved through rigorous curricular governance, and offer flexibility, adaptability, and clarity within our academic programs.
Key Features:
Curricular Governance Approval: Each attribute undergoes scrutiny and approval, ensuring alignment with academic standards.
Addition and Removal: Attributes can be added or removed, catering to evolving educational needs.
Simplified Program Structures: Attributes replace long course lists, offering clarity and efficiency in navigating program requirements.
- AAMW PhD Digital Media (HDAD)
- AAMW PhD Seminar (HDAM)
- ABCS Courses (UNAS)
- AFRC African American Studies (AAFA)
- AFRC African Diaspora (AAFD)
- AFRC African Studies (AAFS)
- AFRC History Course (AAFO)
- AFRC Humanities (AAFH)
- AFRC Methodology (AAFM)
- AFRC Minor African American (AAFN)
- AFRC Minor Caribbean or Latin American (AAFC)
- AFRC Minor Upper Level (AAFU)
- AFRC Research (AAFR)
- AFRC Social Science (AAFT)
- ANCH Ancient & Premod Hist Related Crs Other Dept (AANP)
- ANCH Greco-Roman Culture (AANB)
- ANCH Greco-Roman World (AANG)
- ANCH Minor Courses (AANN)
- ANTH Archaeology (AAAR)
- ANTH Archaeology and Culture Minor (AAAC)
- ANTH Biological Anthropology (AABI)
- ANTH Biology, Environment, Health (AABE)
- ANTH Ctr Analysis Archeology Material Minor (AAAM)
- ANTH Cultural and Linguistics (AACL)
- ANTH Environmental Anthropology (AAEA)
- ANTH Material Worlds, Landscapes, Archaeology (AAMW)
- ANTH Medical Anthropology and Global Health (AAMA)
- ANTH Native Amer & Indigenous Stds Minor Relatd (AANI)
- ANTH Native Amer & Indigenous Stds Minor Thematic (AANA)
- ANTH Political Ecology (AAPE)
- ANTH Psychoanalytic Studies Minor Related (AAPS)
- ANTH Science, Technology and Environment (AAST)
- ARTH Ancient (AHAA)
- ARTH Elective Major/Minor (AHAE)
- ARTH Geographic Non-Western (AHAG)
- ARTH Medieval/Renaissance (AHAR)
- ARTH Modern (AHAM)
- ARTH PHD 5000-Level Seminar (HMS5)
- ARTH PHD 7000-Level Seminar (HMS7)
- ARTH PHD Post-1750 Seminar (HPAM)
- ARTH PHD Pre-1750 Seminar (HPA7)
- ARTH Survey (AHAS)
- ASAM Minor Related (AASR)
- ASLD Minor Cross Disciplinary Elective (ALNN)
- BAAS - Gateway Writing (BAGW)
- BAAS-Cert-Applied Positive Psychology (BCAP)
- BAAS-Cert-Climate Change (BCCC)
- BAAS-Cert-Creative Writing (BCCW)
- BAAS-Cert-Data Analytics (BCDA)
- BAAS-Cert-Digital Strategies (BCDS)
- BAAS-Cert-Global Studies (BCGS)
- BAAS-Cert-Leadership and Communication (BCLC)
- BAAS-Cert-Neuroscience (BCNR)
- BAAS-Cert-Organizational Culture and Collaboration (BCOC)
- BAAS-Cert-Professional Writing (BCPW)
- BAAS-Cert-Regional Studies (BCGR)
- BAAS-Cert-Science Foundations (BCSF)
- BAAS-Cert-Soc Diff, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (BCSD)
- BAAS-Cert-Upskill (BCUP)
- BAAS-Concentration-Creative Studies (BBCS)
- BAAS-Concentration-Data Analytics and Psych Sci (BBDP)
- BAAS-Concentration-Data Analytics and Social Sci (BBDS)
- BAAS-Concentration-Individualized Studies (BBIS)
- BAAS-Concentration-Leadership and Communication (BBLC)
- BAAS-Concentration-Literature, Culture, Tradition (BBLT)
- BAAS-Concentration-Organizational Studies (BBOS)
- BAAS-Concentration-Physical and Life Sciences (BBPL)
- BAAS-Elective (BAEL)
- BAAS-Foundation-Cross-Cult Interactions Diversity (BFCC)
- BAAS-Foundation-Ethical Reasoning (BFER)
- BAAS-Foundation-Qualitative-Creativity/Innovation (BFQC)
- BAAS-Foundation-Qualitative-Digital Culture (BFQD)
- BAAS-Foundation-Qualitative-Historical Perspective (BFQH)
- BAAS-Foundation-Quantitative-Precalc+ (BFQP)
- BAAS-Foundation-Quantitative-Statistics (BFQS)
- BAAS-Foundation-Scientific Process (BFSP)
- BAAS-Foundation-Writing (BFWR)
- BAAS-Gateway Qualitative (BAGQ)
- BAAS-Gateway Quantitative (BAQV)
- BAAS-Gateway Scientific Process (BAGS)
- BAAS-Writing (BAWR)
- BE PhD Bioengineering Fundamental Course (EPBF)
- BE PhD BioMed Science Course (EPBS)
- BE PhD Math Course (EPBM)
- Ben Franklin Seminars (UNBF)
- BFA History of Art Elective (BUFA)
- BIOE Allocation (ABEA)
- BIOE Clinical Ethics (ABEC)
- BIOE Comparative (ABEM)
- BIOE Historical Courses (ABEH)
- BIOE Normative Courses (ABEN)
- BIOE Policy and Culture (ABEP)
- BIOE Research Ethics (ABER)
- BIOE Seminar (ABES)
- BIOL Additional Computational Biology Course (ABB2)
- BIOL Additional Extra-Departmental Course (ABXD)
- BIOL Additional Mechanisms of Disease Elective (ABAM)
- BIOL Advanced Experimental Research (ABAE)
- BIOL Advanced Neurobiology (ABAN)
- BIOL Cellular, Molecular, & Developmental Biology (ABCM)
- BIOL Chemistry (ABIC)
- BIOL Computational Biology (ABCB)
- BIOL Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (ABEE)
- BIOL Genetic Disease (ABGD)
- BIOL Genetics and Genomics (ABGG)
- BIOL Mechanisms of Disease Elective (ABMD)
- BIOL Microbes & Infectious Disease (ABMI)
- BIOL Molecular and Cell Biolog (ABMC)
- BIOL PhD Biology Elective (HPBI)
- BIOL Principally Neurobiology (ABPN)
- BIOL Subs for Molecular/Cell or Genetics/Genomics (ABSM)
- BIOL Systems and Integrative Biology (ABSI)
- BIOP Biophysics Elective (ABPE)
- BSTA Biomedical Research Elective (MPBR)
- BSTA Biostatistics Elective (MPEB)
- CBE Minor Elective (EUCB)
- CIMS Format & Theory (ACFT)
- CIMS History & Geography (ACHG)
- CIMS Non-American Cinema (ACMN)
- CIMS Production & Practice (ACPR)
- CIMS Related Course (ACRL)
- CIS NonCIS Elective (EMCI)
- CLST Classical Studies Minor Attribute (ACLN)
- CLST Classical Studies Related Crs Other Dept (ACLB)
- CLST Clscal Stds Civilizt & Lang: Spec Cluster 3 (ACLS)
- CLST Clscal Stds Med Arch Track: Adv Med Arch (ACLV)
- CLST Clscal Stds Med Arch Track: Arch Sci Course (ACLA)
- CLST Clscal Stds Med Arch Track: Intro Med Arch (ACLI)
- CLST Theory Course in Archaeology (ACLT)
- CMPL Advanced Literature or Film (ACLL)
- CMPL Globalization and Culture (ACLG)
- CMPL National Literature (ACLO)
- CMPL Non Western or Post Colonial (ACLP)
- CMPL Theory Elective (ACLH)
- COGS Cognitive Neuroscience (ACGN)
- COGS Computation and Cognition (ACGC)
- COGS Language & Mind (ACGL)
- COL Advanced Language (AULA)
- COL Foundational Appr. - CritWriting Reqmnt (AUWR)
- COL Foundational Appr. - CrossCultural Analysis (AUCC)
- COL Foundational Appr. - Foreign Language Req (AUFL)
- COL Foundational Appr. - Formal Reason&Analysis (AUFR)
- COL Foundational Appr. - Quant Data Analysis (AUQD)
- COL Foundational Appr.s - Cultural Diversity US (AUCD)
- COL Instruction: Non-English (AUOT)
- COL Sector - Arts & Letter (AUAL)
- COL Sector - History & Tradition (AUHT)
- COL Sector - Humanities&Soc Sci (AUHS)
- COL Sector - HumSocSci/NatSciMth (AUHN)
- COL Sector - Living World (AULW)
- COL Sector - Natural Science Across Disciplines (AUNM)
- COL Sector - Physical World (AUPW)
- COL Sector - Physical World (AUSO)
- COL-ADMIN-Masters Degree (AUMD)
- COL-COURSE-Language (AULG)
- COL-COURSE-Last Language (AULL)
- College 16 CU Requirement (AU16)
- COMM Advocacy & Activism (ACAA)
- COMM Audiences & Persuasion (ACAP)
- COMM Communication and Public Service (ACCP)
- COMM Culture & Society (ACCS)
- COMM Data & Network Science (ACDN)
- COMM Methods Course (ACRM)
- COMM Politics & Policy (ACPP)
- CRIM Bio Psycho Social (ACRB)
- CRIM Crim Justice Research (ACRC)
- CRIM MS Criminology Elective (HPCR)
- CRIM SocioPolitical (ACRS)
- DHUM Digital Humanities Minor- Research (ADHE)
- DHUM Digital Humanities Minor- Skills (ADHC)
- DMD Elective (EUDM)
- DSGN Art History (ADAH)
- DSGN Design Cert Energy Management (FCEM)
- DSGN Design Cert Integrated Professional Design (FCID)
- DSGN Design CERT IPD Bus Elective (FCIB)
- DSGN Design Cert IPD Engineering Elective (FCIE)
- DSGN Design CERT TB&IM Elective (FCTB)
- DSGN Design Masters ARCH Elective (FMAR)
- DSGN Design Masters CPLN Elective (FMCP)
- DSGN Design Masters HSPV Elective (FMHP)
- DSGN Design Masters LARP Elective (FMLA)
- DSGN Design MFA Elective (FMAE)
- DSGN Theory (ADTH)
- DTCH Dutch Related (AGDR)
- EALC Chinese (AEAI)
- EALC Chinese and Inner Asia (AEAN)
- EALC East Asian Area Studies (AEAE)
- EALC East History (AEAH)
- EALC East Humanities (AEAU)
- EALC East Seminar (AEAA)
- EALC East Social Sciences (AEAS)
- EALC Honors (AEAO)
- EALC Intensive Language (AEIL)
- EALC Japanese (AEAJ)
- EALC Japanese Minor (AEAP)
- EALC Korean (AEAK)
- EALC Korean Minor (AEAR)
- EALC Major Seminar (AEAM)
- EALC Transnational or Comparative East Asia (AETR)
- EASC Advanced Course (AERA)
- EASC Earth and Environmental Systems (AERE)
- EASC Field Course (AERF)
- EASC Geology Honors (AERH)
- EASC Living Systems (AERL)
- EASC Upper Level Biology Paleo Concentration (AERB)
- EASC Upper Level Geology Paleo Concentration (AERG)
- ENG Engineering Entrepreneurship (EUNP)
- ENGL 19th Century Literature (AE19)
- ENGL 20th 21st Century Literature (AE21)
- ENGL 20th Century Literature (AE20)
- ENGL Africana Literatures and Cultures (AEAC)
- ENGL Creative Writing Workshop Course Minor (AECW)
- ENGL Difference and Diaspora (AEDD)
- ENGL Drama (AEDR)
- ENGL Gender and Sexuality (AEGS)
- ENGL Journalistic Writing Minor (AEJW)
- ENGL Literary Theory and Cultural Studies (AETC)
- ENGL Literature before 1700 (AEB7)
- ENGL Literature before 1900 (AEB9)
- ENGL Literature, Journalism & Print Culture (AELJ)
- ENGL Long 18th Century (AE18)
- ENGL Medieval/Renaissance Concentration Core (AEMC)
- ENGL Medieval/Renaissance Core (AEMR)
- ENGL Poetry and Poetics (AEPP)
- ENGL The Novel (AENV)
- ENGL Theory and Poetics (AETP)
- ENVS Biotic History Concentrations List (AESB)
- ENVS Data Analysis and Statistics Core (AESD)
- ENVS Earth Systems Concentrations List (AESL)
- ENVS Economics and Policy Core (AESE)
- ENVS Environmental Economics Concentrations List (AESC)
- ENVS Environmental Geology Concentrations List (AESO)
- ENVS Environmental History Concentrations List (AEHH)
- ENVS Environmental Humanities (AESH)
- ENVS Environmental Policy Concentrations List (AEPC)
- ENVS Environmental Social Sciences (AESS)
- ENVS Field Course Requirement (AESF)
- ENVS Geochemical Dynamics Concentration List (AESY)
- ENVS Geographical or Environmental Modeling Core (AESG)
- ENVS Global Politics & International Rel Conc List (AESR)
- ENVS International Environmental Issues Conc List (AESI)
- ENVS Sustainability & Environmental Mngmnt Conc (AESW)
- ENVS Sustainability & Environmental Mngmnt Minor (AESM)
- EPID Epidemiology Elective (MPEP)
- ESE Circuits & CE (EUEC)
- ESE Elective (EUEE)
- ESE Information & Decision Systems (EUEI)
- ESE Nanodevelopment & Nanosystems (EUEN)
- FIGS PhD Topic Course (HPFT)
- First Year Seminar (AUFS)
- First Year Seminar (UNFS)
- FNAR Art History (AFAH)
- FNAR Design, Animation, or Video Studio (AFDA)
- FNAR Drawing Studio (AFDS)
- FNAR Painting Studio (AFPA)
- FNAR Photography Studio (AFPS)
- FNAR Sculpture Studio & Ceramic Studio (AFSC)
- GCB Approach Elective (MPAE)
- GCB Biol Spec Elective (MPBS)
- GMST Europe (AGME)
- GMST Literature or Written Culture (AGML)
- GMST Minor- Art, Architecture, Music (AGMA)
- GMST Minor- Medieval Studies History (AGMH)
- GMST Outside of Europe (AGMO)
- GMST Religion, Philosophy or Science (AGMR)
- GRMN German Related (AGER)
- GSE Division- Education Policy (GVEP)
- GSE Division- Higher Education (GVHE)
- GSE Division- Human Development & Quant Methods (GVHQ)
- GSE Division- Literacy, Culture, and Int'l Educ (GVLC)
- GSE Division- Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (GVTL)
- GSE EDD Advanced Qualitative/Quantitative (GDAQ)
- GSE EDD Higher Education Methods (GDEM)
- GSE EDD Qualitative (GDQL)
- GSE EDD Reading/Writing/Literacy Methods (GDRW)
- GSE MSED Ed, Culture, Soc- Acad Based Comm Service (GMAC)
- GSE MSED Ed, Culture, Soc- Community Service (GMCS)
- GSE MSED Educational Linguistics Distribution (GMLN)
- GSE MSED Human Development Distribution (GMHD)
- GSE MSED IEDP Thematic Course (GMIT)
- GSE MSED Intercultural Communication ELX Elective (GMIE)
- GSE MSED Qualitative (GMQL)
- GSE MSED Quantitative (GMQN)
- GSE MSED Reading/Writing/Literacy Rsrch Elective (GMRE)
- GSE MSED Urban Teaching Appr. Advanced Content (GMUA)
- GSE PHD Ed Culture Advanced Qualitative Methods (GDEQ)
- GSE PHD Ed Culture Advanced Quantitative Methods (GDEN)
- GSE PHD Education Culture Qualitative Methods (GDEL)
- GSE PHD Education Policy Qualitative (GDPL)
- GSE PHD Education Policy Quantitative (GDPN)
- GSE PHD Education, Culture, Society Methods (GDMC)
- GSE PHD Educational Linguistics Adv Qual/Quant (GDLA)
- GSE PHD Educational Linguistics Options (GDLC)
- GSE PHD Educational Linguistics Qualitative (GDLL)
- GSE PHD Educational Linguistics Quantitative (GDLN)
- GSE PHD Higher Education Methods (GDHM)
- GSE PHD Higher Education Quantitative (GDHN)
- GSE PHD Reading/Writing/Literacy Research (GDRR)
- GSWS Feminist Studies (AGWF)
- GSWS Global Gender and Sexuality Studies (AGWG)
- GSWS Health and Disabilities (AGWH)
- GSWS Major Related (AGGR)
- GSWS Theory (AGWT)
- HIST Africa and the Middle East (AHAF)
- HIST Concentration in American History (AHCA)
- HIST Concentration in Diplomatic History (AHCD)
- HIST Concentration in Diplomatic History Related (AHDR)
- HIST Concentration in Economic History (AHCC)
- HIST Concentration in Economic History Related (AHEC)
- HIST Concentration in European History (AHCE)
- HIST Concentration in European History Related (AHER)
- HIST Concentration in Gender History (AHCG)
- HIST Concentration in Gender History Related (AHGR)
- HIST Concentration in Intellectual History (AHCI)
- HIST Concentration in Intellectual History Related (AHIR)
- HIST Concentration in Jewish History (AHCJ)
- HIST Concentration in World History (AHCW)
- HIST Concentration in World History Related (AHWR)
- HIST East Asia and South Asia (AHES)
- HIST Europe and Australia (AHEA)
- HIST Global Issues (AHGI)
- HIST Latin America and the Caribbean (AHLA)
- HIST Political History (AHPO)
- HIST Political History Related (AHPR)
- HIST Pre-1800 (AH18)
- HIST Seminar (AHEM)
- HIST Transregional (AHTR)
- HIST United States and Canada (AHUC)
- HPR CHIPS Elective (MMYC)
- HPR Elective (MMYE)
- HSOC Bioethics Core (AHSI)
- HSOC Bioethics Discipline (AHSB)
- HSOC Disease and Culture (AHSD)
- HSOC Global Health Concentration Elective (AHSG)
- HSOC Health Policy and Law Concentration (AHSE)
- HSOC Health Policy Core (AHSC)
- HSOC Healthcare Finance Concentration (AHFI)
- HSOC Healthcare Finance Core (AHFC)
- HSOC Law and Society (AHSA)
- HSOC Law, Politics and Public Policy (AHSL)
- HSOC Major Related (AHSM)
- HSOC Philosophical and Religious Foundations (AHSP)
- HSOC Philosophical/Ethical (AHSH)
- HSOC Political Economy (AHSO)
- HSOC Public Health Core (AHPH)
- HSOC Public Health Elective (AHPE)
- HSOC Race, Gender and Health (AHSN)
- HSOC Regional (AHSR)
- HSOC Social and Institutional Context (AHSS)
- HSOC Technologies, Practices and Practitioners (AHST)
- HSOC World Health (AHSW)
- HSSC PHD MED Subfield (HDHM)
- HSSC PHD Pre 1800 Devs (HDH8)
- HSSC PHD Research Seminar (HDHR)
- HSSC PHD Science Subfield (HDHS)
- Huntsman International Studies (UNIS)
- INTR International History (AIRH)
- INTR International Political Economy Elective (AIRP)
- INTR International Relations Elective (AIRE)
- INTR International Security/Foreign Policy Elect (AIRS)
- INTR Non-Western Elective (AIRN)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Biblical and Literature (AJST)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Biblical Period (AJSB)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Hebrew or Yiddish (AJSH)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Modern and Literature (AJSV)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Modern Period (AJSM)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Rabbinic and Literature (AJSU)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Rabbinic or Medieval Period (AJSR)
- JWST Jewish Studies - Religion & Culture Seminars (AJSC)
- JWST Jewish Studies Lit - Original or Translation (AJSL)
- JWST Minor- Jewish Studies Elective (AJSE)
- LALX Criticism (ALCR)
- LALX History (ALHI)
- LALX Latinx Diaspora (ALDI)
- LALX Regional Experience Prior to 1820 (ALRP)
- LALX Related Elective (ALMR)
- LALX Social Science (ALSS)
- Law JD Additional MBE Elective (LJME)
- Law JD Core MBE Elective (LJBE)
- Law JD Experiential Learning (LJEL)
- Law JD Experiential Learning II (LJE2)
- Law JD Regulatory/Administrative Elective (LJRA)
- LGIC Logic, Information, and Computing Elective (ALCE)
- LGIC Minor- Logic, Info, and Computing Elective (ALCN)
- LING PHD Pre Approved Course (HDLA)
- LING Related Courses (ALNR)
- LPS MSOD Global and Cultural Organization (BMOG)
- LPS MSOD Leadership Coaching Cohort (BMOL)
- LPS MSOD Leading and Managing through Change (BMOC)
- LPS MSOD Organizational Coaching (BMOO)
- LPS MSOD Sustainable Development (BMOS)
- MAEC Economics Elective (AMAE)
- MAEC Mathematics Elective (AMAM)
- MATH Elective (AMMR)
- MATH Outside Math Related (AMOR)
- MBIOT BioTech I Course (EMBT)
- MBIOT BTP Advance Elective (EMMA)
- MBIOT BTP Quantitative Course (EMMP)
- MBIOT BTT Advanced Elective (EMMV)
- MBIOT BTT Quantitative Course (EMMM)
- MBIOT Molecular Biology Track Course (EMMB)
- MCIT Online Elective (EMCO)
- MCS Core Courses (BMCC)
- MCS Electives (BMCE)
- MELC Ancient Middle East Concentration Course (ANNE)
- MELC Ancient Middle East Literature in Translation (ANLT)
- MELC Arabic and Hebrew Concentration Course (ANAH)
- MELC Arabic and Islamic Concentration Course (ANAC)
- MELC Arabic and Islamic History (ANAI)
- MELC Arabic and Islamic Literature (ANAT)
- MELC Arabic and Islamic Religion (ANAR)
- MELC Biblical Hebrew Languages (ANBH)
- MELC Egyptian Languages (ANEL)
- MELC Hebrew/Judaica Biblical Literature (ANHB)
- MELC Hebrew/Judaica Concentration Course (ANHC)
- MELC Hebrew/Judaica Modern Hebrew Literature (ANHM)
- MELC Hebrew/Judaica Rabbinic/Medieval Literature (ANHR)
- MELC Mesopotamian Languages (ANML)
- MELC Persian Concentration Course (ANPC)
- MELC Persian History (ANPH)
- MELC Persian Literature (ANPL)
- MELC PhD History&Culture (HDHC)
- MELC PhD Islamics (HDNI)
- MES Biology Elective (BMEB)
- MES Envi Resilience and Adaptation Elective (BMER)
- MES Environmental Policy Elective (BMEP)
- MES Environmental Sustainability Elective (BMES)
- MES Resource Management Elective (BMEM)
- MES Urban Environment Elective (BMEU)
- MHP Health Policy Elective (MMPH)
- MIPD Business Elective (EMIB)
- MIPD Design Elective (EMID)
- MIPD Engineering Elective (EMIE)
- MMES Modern Middle East Stud - Foundation Course (AMMF)
- MMES Modern Middle East Stud - Humanities Distrib (AMMH)
- MMES Modern Middle East Stud - Research Seminars (AMRS)
- MMES Modern Middle East Stud - Social Sci Distrib (AMMS)
- MPH Environmental Health Track (MMPE)
- MPH Generalist Track (MMPG)
- MPH Generalist Track Required Track Elective (MMPN)
- MPH Global Health Elective (MMPW)
- MPH Global Health Track Required Track Elective (MMPH)
- MPH One Health Track Required Track Elective (MMPO)
- MPH Public Health Elective (MMPU)
- MPHY Elective (MMME)
- MSAG Engineering Geology Elective (BMGN)
- MSAG Engineering Geology Foundation Elective (BMGE)
- MSAG Environmental Geology Elective (BMGV)
- MSAG Geochemistry Foundation Area (BMGG)
- MSAG Geocomputations Foundation Area (BMGC)
- MSAG Geomechanics Foundation Area (BMGM)
- MSAG Ground Water Hydrology Elective (BMGH)
- MSAG Hydrogeology Elective (BMGO)
- MSCE Elective (MMCE)
- MSE CBE Elective (EMCE)
- MSE IPD Business Elective (EMIU)
- MSE IPD Design Elective (EMIS)
- MSE IPD Engineer Elective (EMIG)
- MSE Robo Technology Elective (EMRT)
- MSE Robotics General Elective (EMRE)
- MSOD Applications (BMOA)
- MSOD Foundations (BMOF)
- MSOD Methods of Diagnosis and Evaluation (BMOM)
- MSSE Elective (EMME)
- MTR Bioinformatics Elective (MMTB)
- MTR Discovery Elective (MMTD)
- MTR Entrepreneurial Science Elective (MMTE)
- MTR Therapeutics and Regulation Elective (MMTR)
- MUSC Jazz and Popular Music Elective (AMJP)
- MUSC Minor Music Related (AMRE)
- MUSC Music Tier Three Course (AMTH)
- MUSC Music Tier Two Course (AMTW)
- NRSC Cellular Neuroscience (ABBU)
- NRSC Comp Neuroscience Theory & Modeling Minor (ABBT)
- NRSC Computational Neuroscience and Cog Sci Minor (ABBC)
- NRSC Computational Neuroscience Application Minor (ABBA)
- NRSC Computational Neuroscience Math Found Minor (ABBF)
- NRSC Major Elective (ABBM)
- NRSC Minor Course Elective
- NRSC Systems and Behavior (ABBS)
- NRSCHealthcare Management Elective Minor (ABBH)
- NU BHS Department (NUBH)
- NU FCH Department (NUFC)
- NU Global Health Minor Elective (NUGH)
- NU Global Health Minor Language (NUGL)
- NU Health Comm Minor Elective (NUHC)
- NU History, Health and the Humanities Minor Elective (NUHH)
- NU MSN Health Care Admin Business Elective (NMHB)
- NU MSN Leadership Elective (NMLE)
- NU Nursing and Health Services Management Minor Nursing Elective (NUNH)
- NU Nursing and Health Services Management Minor Wharton Elective (NUWE)
- NU Nursing and Health Services Mgmt Minor Add Elec (NUHE)
- NU Nursing Elective (NUEC)
- NU Nutrition Major Elective (NUNE)
- NU Nutrition Minor Elective (NUNM)
- NU PhD Concentration Class (NDCC)
- NU Sector Arts & Letters (NUAL)
- NU Sector Global & Cultural Studies (NUGC)
- NU Sector History & Traditions (NUHT)
- NU Sector Reasoning, Systems & Relationships (NURS)
- NU Sector Society & Social Structure (NUSS)
- NU Unassigned (NUUN)
- Penn Global Seminars (UNPG)
- PHIL History of Philosophy (APLH)
- PHIL Humanities and Political Science (APHP)
- PHIL Majors Seminar (APLM)
- PHIL Minor Logic (APLL)
- PHIL Natural, Social Sci, or Hist & Socio of Sci (APNS)
- PHIL PhD History of Philosophy (HDPH)
- PHIL PhD Mtphys&Epstlgy (HDPM)
- PHIL PhD Value Theory (HDPV)
- PHIL Phil Related MPP (APLR)
- PHIL Philosophy of Science or Math (APLS)
- PHIL Related General Philosophy (APLG)
- PHIL Theoretical Philosophy (APLT)
- PHIL Value Theory (APLV)
- PHYS Comp Tech (APHC)
- PHYS Computer Elective (APHE)
- PHYS LAB Course (APHL)
- PPE Choice and Behavior (APPC)
- PPE Distributive Justice (APPJ)
- PPE Ethics & Professions (APPE)
- PPE Globalization (APPG)
- PPE Philosophy Foundation (APPF)
- PPE Political Science (APPP)
- PPE Political Theory (APPT)
- PPE Public Policy & Governance (APPU)
- PSCI American Politics (APSA)
- PSCI Comparative Politics (APSC)
- PSCI International Relations (APSI)
- PSCI Minor American Public Policy (APAP)
- PSCI Minor International Development Minor (APID)
- PSCI Minor Survey Research and Analytics (APSU)
- PSCI PhD American Politics (HDPA)
- PSCI PhD Comparative Politics (HDPC)
- PSCI PhD International Relations (HDPI)
- PSCI PhD Political Theory (HDPT)
- PSCI Political Economy (APSE)
- PSCI Political Science Related Course (APSR)
- PSCI Political Theory (APST)
- PSYC Biological Psychology (APCI)
- PSYC Cognitive Psychology (APCC)
- PSYC Consumer Psychology Minor Marketing Elective (APCN)
- PSYC Consumer Psychology Minor Psychology Elective (APCP)
- PSYC Major Related Elective (APMR)
- PSYC Social Psychology (APCS)
- REES 1801-1899 (AREM)
- REES Art History Content (AREA)
- REES Cinema Studies Content (AREC)
- REES Eastern Europe (AREE)
- REES History Content (AREH)
- REES Literature Content (AREL)
- REES Minor Comparative (ARET)
- REES Political Science Content (ARES)
- REES Post 1900 (AREJ)
- REES Prior to 1800 (AREP)
- REES Russia (ARER)
- REES Social Science (AREO)
- RELS Religious Studies Related (ARRS)
- RELS Religious Studies Seminars (ARSS)
- ROML French Research Requirement (ARLF)
- ROML Italian Elective (ARLI)
- ROML Italian Research Requirement (ARIR)
- ROML Spanish Research Requirement (ARLS)
- SAST South Asian Major Related (ASAR)
- Scholars Capstone (UNCP)
- Scholars Research (UNCR)
- Scholars Social Issues (UNCS)
- SCMP Area Technology Elective (EMST)
- SEAS Humanities (EUHS)
- SEAS Math/Science/Engrng (EUMS)
- SEAS Mathematics Elective (EUMA)
- SEAS Natural Science (EUNS)
- SEAS NETS Network & Dynamics (EUND)
- SEAS No Engineering Req (EUNE)
- SEAS Social Science (EUSS)
- SEAS SSE Design Elective (EUSD)
- SEAS SSE Info Sys Elective (EUSI)
- SEAS Tech,Business,Society (EUTB)
- SNF Paideia Course (UNPP)
- SOCI Applied Research Methods and Data Analysis (ASRM)
- SOCI Cities, Markets and Global Economy (ASCM)
- SOCI Culture and Diversity (ASCD)
- SOCI Family Gender and Society (ASFG)
- SOCI Global and International Studies (ASOG)
- SOCI Law and Society (ASLS)
- SOCI M Law Society (ASOL)
- SOCI Medical Sociology (ASMD)
- SOCI Population & Immigration (ASPI)
- SOCI Quantitative Methods (ASOQ)
- SOCI Sociology Advanced Methods (ASAM)
- SOCI Sociology Major Related Elective (ASOM)
- SOCI Sociology Minor Medical Sociology (ASMS)
- SOCI Sociology of Culture (ASOC)
- SOCI Sociology of Families and Populations (ASOF)
- SOCI Sociology of Health and Medicine (ASOH)
- SOCI Structures of Opportunity and Inequality (ASOI)
- SOCI Structures of Opportunity and Inequality (ASSO)
- SOCI Urban Sociology (ASOU)
- SP2 MSSP Theory Elective (SMST)
- SP2 MSW Policy Option (SMWP)
- SP2 MSW Research Option (SMWR)
- SP2 Nonprofit Core (SMNC)
- SP2 Nonprofit Elective (SMNE)
- STSC Bio Technology and Biomedicine Concentration (ASTB)
- STSC Elective (ASTL)
- STSC Energy and Environment Elective (ASTE)
- STSC Global Science & Technology Elective (ASTG)
- STSC Information and Organizations Elective (ASTI)
- STSC Science, Nature and Culture Concentration (ASTS)
- THAR Advanced Topics (ATAT)
- THAR Elective (ATEL)
- THAR Minor Academic Course (ATNA)
- THAR Minor Practical Course (ATNP)
- Under Construction
- URBS Comparative and Theoretical Dimensions (ARCT)
- URBS History of Cities (ARHC)
- URBS Minor Child or Adolescent Development (ARCD)
- URBS Minor Ed Minor Policy Elective (AREV)
- URBS Minor Elementary Education Track (ARDT)
- URBS Minor Related Elective (ARMR)
- URBS Minor Secondary Education Track (ARST)
- URBS Minor Urban Context (ARUC)
- URBS Minor Urban Ed ABCS (ARED)
- URBS Minor URED Capstone (ARCA)
- URBS Public Policy & Governance (ARPP)
- URBS The Built Environment (ARBE)
- URBS Urban Economics/Finance (AREF)
- VET Clinical Rotation Elective (VDCR)
- VET Large Animal Electives (VDLA)
- VET Small Animal Electives (VDSA)
- VIPER Energy Course (UNVE)
- VLST Architecture Practice and Technology (AVAP)
- VLST Art and Culture of Seeing (AVAC)
- VLST Art, Practice and Technology (AVPT)
- VLST Philosophy and Science of Seeing (AVPS)
- WH Foreign Lang Req (WUFL)
- WH MBA Course (WMBA)
- WH Technology, Innovations, Analytics (WUTI)
- WH UG ACCT Concentration (WUAC)
- WH UG BHEC Conc Electives (WUBE)
- WH UG BUAN Conc Electives (WUBN)
- WH UG BUAN – Advanced Data Analysis (a) (WUBD)
- WH UG BUAN – Data Collection (c) (WUBC)
- WH UG BUAN – Optimization (o) (WUBO)
- WH UG Capstone (WUCP)
- WH UG GEBS: Global Economy, Business, Society (WUGE)
- WH UG Humanities (WUHM)
- WH UG JWS: Joseph Wharton Scholars (WUJW)
- WH UG NSME: Natural Science, Math, Engineering (WUNM)
- WH UG Statistics Concentration Elective (WUST)
- Wharton M&T Global E,B,&S (WUBS)
- Wharton MBA Business Analytics Major Elec (WMBS)
- Wharton MBA Business Analytics Major Elec Non-WH (WMBU)
- Wharton MBA Business Econ & Public Pol Major Elec (WMBE)
- Wharton MBA Entrepreneurship & Innov Major Elec (WMEI)
- Wharton MBA Multinational Management Major Elec (WMMM)
- Wharton MBA Org Effectiveness Major Elec (WMOE)
- Wharton MBA Preterm (WMPT)
- Wharton MBA Real Estate Major Elec (WMRE)
- Wharton Social Imp & Resp (WUSR)
- Wharton Statistics Minor (WUSM)
- Wharton UG Actuarial Science Concentration Elec (WUAS)
- Wharton UG Business Econ & Public Pol Conc Elec (WUBP)
- Wharton UG Core Flex GenEd (WUFG)
- Wharton UG Environmental Planning & Mgmt-Non WH (WUEO)
- Wharton UG Environmental Policy & Mgmt Conc Elec (WUEM)
- Wharton UG Global Analysis Concentration Elec (WUGA)
- Wharton UG Health Care Mgmt & Pol Conc Elec (WUHP)
- Wharton UG Huntsman Program Elec (WUIS)
- Wharton UG Management Concentration Elec (WUMG)
- Wharton UG Management Concentration ENTI Elec (WUEI)
- Wharton UG Managing E-Commerce Concentration Elec (WUEC)
- Wharton UG MAOM (WUMO)
- Wharton UG Marketing & Comm Concentration Elec (WUMC)
- Wharton UG Marketing Concentration Elec (WUMK)
- Wharton UG OIDD Decision Process Track Elec (WUDP)
- Wharton UG OIDD Information Systems Track Elec (WUOI)
- Wharton UG OIDD Management Science Track Elec (WUOM)
- Wharton UG Real Estate Concentration Elec (WURE)
- Wharton UG Retailing Concentration Elec (WURT)
- Wharton UG Retailing Concentration Marketing Elec (WURM)
- Wharton UG RETG Design Comp (WURD)
- Wharton UG SIAR Application (WUSA)
- Wharton UG Social Impact Concentration Elec (WUSE)
- Wharton UG Social Science (WUSS)
- Wharton Undergraduate Flex Core Course (WUFC)